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2020 has been filled with unexpected twists and turns that have left many businesses wary for what is to come. It’s no question that we collectively hope that 2021 will bring more stability, safety, and success to all. However, the pandemic has changed business and marketing functions, and the effects will continue into the new year. Today, we’re exploring the marketing trends that we’re expecting to see throughout 2021.

Digital Shifts Become Permanent

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to make a shift to digital solutions and remote work. Many businesses have already made the decision that, even post-pandemic, they will not be going back to their old ways. Webinars have boomed in popularity, functioning as a convenient way to host large informational gatherings online. These, along with other digital alternatives such as online consultations and appointments, increased interest in ecommerce, adaptation of AI (Artificial Intelligence), and many more have proven to offer accessible options with high ROIs.

More Brand Collaborations

You might have noticed the influx of big brand collaborations in recent months- for instance, McDonalds has taken to naming limited time meals after popular celebrities. This strategy may stick around for the year to come, as it succeeds in “captur[ing] media attention, generat[ing] social buzz and allow[ing] for cross marketing to customer bases” according to Adweek. Another rising collaboration trend is influencer marketing – a strategy that will continue to grow in the coming new year. Later even predicts that the influencer marketing industry will reach $15 billion by 2022. Influencer marketing has become a great way to reach audiences of all kinds.

New Social Media Behaviors

Instagram has undergone a number of changes throughout the past year. One addition to the platform has been Reels, an area to view short videos that offer more organic discoverability to brands and creators. They have also added the Shopping Tab, where users can make purchases directly in the Instagram app. Instagram isn’t the only platform that is making changes to keep shoppers from leaving the app to make purchases. Brick and mortar stores must embrace this growing new form of shopping through social media.

LinkedIn has shifted to a more casual, conversational platform than it once was. Businesses and individuals post polls and pose questions that onlookers answer in the comments. LinkedIn has become less of a rigidly professional platform, and more of a tool for sparking conversation and exchanging ideas with likeminded individuals.


What other Marketing trends are you seeing as we move into 2021?  Let us know in a comment and we will provide insight in future posts. Be sure to follow us on social media to stay tuned for future marketing news from DSG.

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