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Settling Into My Role

It has now been a month and a half since I joined the team at DSG. Three weeks ago when I wrote my first entry for the Intern Notebook, I discussed the onboarding process and my first experiences in the marketing world. Since then, I feel that I have found my place within DSG and now have my own set of personalized tasks.

Balancing an Internship and Classes

Now that I am nearly halfway into both my internship and my last semester at West Chester University, I have learned the importance of time management and prioritization. At first, balancing an internship while trying to finish college strong was proving to be harder than I originally thought. However, through setting a routine, I have been able to put my full effort into both endeavors. 

The behavior I found to be the most helpful for balancing an internship and classes was creating separate to-do lists each week. This allows me to see a clear outline of what I need to accomplish within my courses and at the office. By creating an agenda for the week, I am able to stay on top of my work.

Agency Life Expectations

Considering the fact that digital marketing is my minor and not my major, I have only taken a limited number of marketing courses. Therefore, the information I had about marketing agencies was fairly narrow. Before starting at DSG, I expected a digital marketing agency to consist of crowded meetings in which team members sit around a large circular table discussing ideas, clients, and campaigns.

Although there are meetings in which this depiction matches the reality (although our conference room table is a rectangle), it is not a daily occurrence. I was surprised to find out that reality is more diverse than I once thought. Each day looks a little different from the previous. Some days I am working on projects on my own, working collaboratively with my peers, or finding team members working solo with their clients. This dynamic makes me excited to come to the office each day and is far from what I originally imagined. 

Current Projects

Recently, I have been working a lot within our digital media and operations platforms. Last week I was tasked with updating Google Ads within Google Business Profile. Another one of my recurring tasks has been inputting Local Paid Search orders for one of our larger clients. Overall, I have enjoyed diving deeper into the platforms DSG uses and learning how the agency technology stack drives efficiency and enhances campaign results. I look forward to growing my knowledge in this area. 

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